Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Escaping the RatRace...

There has been fantastic support from  many friends expressing similar wishes in their lives.  Michael and I came together... as partners in this life due to our shared dreams... dreams of country living, freedom, love, animals... going our own path and escaping the ratrace and our reliance on others.  Who are "others?"  .Others are those that control your life... big brother... government... jobs... financial institutions, grocers, etc.  We want to be  as self sufficient as possible.  This will involve lots and lots of elbow grease.... but... it will buy us FREEDOM.

This ratrace of never ending appointments, clothes, shopping, stuff, stuff, stuff, TV, celebrity gossip, and this pointless maze that ends with no prized cheese was killing our soul and felt like a fake world.  A world that seemed foreign for both of us.

This doesn't mean that we are not going to keep working... paying off our debts and having modern conveniences.  It just means that we want to spend the bulk of our time together, building a life that fulfills our connection to the natural world, family, friends and animals.

Finding security in our own resources will lessen our need for keeping up with The Joneses.  We will be able to live with little $$, while paying off our debts in peace and with joy, love and pride.

I know that I must raise my children in nature.  It was killing me that they were not having a regular connection to this world that I felt most comfortable in.  I want them to have country skills that will embolden them to live and find adventure.

I believe in him with all of my heart and he feels that he can finally live his true self.

I know my thoughts were scattered...

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