Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 1 of Land Ownership

It's day 1 and I don't even get to see the land that we are purchasing.  Michael and his buddy Bobby, have been up there clearing areas and locating a spot for our Tiny House.  We are building something... a tiny house, RV, Earthbag home, yurt, cabin, cottage... something small to "live" in while we build our real house.  The goal is to stay natural, stay alternative, stay green and above allllll STAY OFF THE GRID.  Funny, I should say Off the Grid.. because we don't have anything yet except for a Pond, Trees, little Prairie area, sort-of dirt roads and lots of big beautiful rocks (I have a feeling I will grow hatred for those rocks at times).  There is also a large selection of deadly animals... black bears, wild boar, rattlesnakes, water moccasins, cougars and bobcats.  But, that's okay, Michael is now equipped with two guns and we are getting some Catahoula dogs and small livestock as soon as possible.

I have lots to say... so much to say, but, I shall wait for the next blog to express my ideas on the power line that is just 200 feet away, and the neighbor that thinks shooting at new land owners is a good way to make friends and the crazy thought that we have tiny Chevy Sparks on treacherous dirt roads.  Oh... and my conversations with the Principal/Bus Driver/Athletic Director.

Next time.....


  1. Looks like a great place to have your hair short in the front and longish in the back.

  2. Wow! Congratulations on your new home-to-be! My husband and I would love to start from scratch and homestead somewhere, but he wants to do it in Alaska! :( I think SE Oklahoma is a much better choice! Lol! I'm excited for you two, and look forward to seeing your progress as you move forward with your plans. I'll be praying for you guys as you embark on this new adventure!

  3. Russell... that made me laugh and laugh. I finally had to show Sage pictures of mullets.

    Tammy... we are very much attracted to Alaska ourselves. I had family and land in Montana.. once the kids are out of school, we may take that leap. Thanks for the support and well wishes.
