Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pooping in the Woods...

Okay... first off.  I have changed the Blog Name to "Crooked Pines."  As we are getting to know the property, we keep using big crooked pines to mark off areas for our house, entry, etc.  So, we will be calling our little homestead "Crooked Pines."  Hence the new blog title.

Poop!!!  This is the thing that has  been plaguing me.  I want to be green, alternative, off the grid, etc., etc.  But, I really, really like modern, private bathroom time.  I am not loosey goosey about sharing bathrooms, people knowing I use the bathroom, stinky bathroom... allllll that.  So, a great amount of time and money will go toward figuring out how to get a modern feeling toilet in a very un-modern setting.  I had to use out-houses a  LOTTTT when I was wee-sized and I don't really want that to be my grown-up thing.

Currently there is a toilet on site.  You can see the picture attached to see.  Yup... it's a toilet seat attached to two old boards hung between two pines (straight pines).  But, no worries, there are some rocks below to help run off the waste.  NO!!!! NONONONONONO!!!!!  I WON'T DO IT!!!!!!

So, I don't know for sure yet, what we will do long-term, but here are some things I am looking at.

Low Tech Composting Toilet - $20-$100 
This is basically a bucket with a toilet seat.  What makes it tolerable???  You have a generous supply of compost friendly material to cover it with and provide a big hole to dump it.  It eventually (about a year) becomes usable compost.  YUP - A HUMAN LITTER BOX.  We will each have our own bucket and private space along with heaping amounts of pine litter (found at many WalMarts) and Peat Moss (found at garden stores).  The compost material goes under and over each bathroom use.  This is then dumped into the big hole and piled with regular dirt.  Add some red worms and this will be the healthiest wild flower garden on the property.  No... I will not use my "own" compost for my garden.. although many people do and it's actually an okay thing to do.

As we build our tiny house and later bigger-tiny house.  We will be creating a bathroom that does not require city-style sewage.  We have to, there is no choice.  There seem to be several options out there and I will discuss a few of them here.  I would really LOVE for any input from those that read this blog and have experience with any of these options.  Guidance from our elders and already-doers is a must with this big change.

High-Tech Composting Toilets: $1,000-$10,000
This is basically a toilet that composts for you.  Some use little water and some are no-water.  They can be pretty costly as they can pretty much feel like a modern toilet.  The waste is sent to a magic machine that turns it into unstinky magic soil.  Again.. .this can be used for gardens, but I won't be doing that.  

Incinerating Toilets: - ??  I think about $1,000-$2,000
This one sounds like the one for me.  It burns your poop.  You just throw away the ashes.. or like a good gardener... add it to your compost pile.  If you are a tiny-home enthusiast.  This can work for you if you live in a place where burning poop is not a bother to neighbors.  The possible problem with this is the energy you need to run one.  You need propane, electric, diesel or gas to run.  I think that the trade off might be worth it.  Very simple.  

Septic or Lagoon: Millions and millions of dollars... not really... but, a lot.  
Other options that I am looking into but would require expertise, $$ and time that we may not have would be our own septic or a lagoon.  I have much more research to do on these and I believe they would be for a property lower on the mountain.  This rock heavy property probably can't handle that.  

I hope this answers some questions for you as I have been studying on this subject a lot.  I got a lot of guidance from this blog:

Feedback is welcome and as always... Live Free!


ps... soon... bathing... showering... dishes, etc.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Escaping the RatRace...

There has been fantastic support from  many friends expressing similar wishes in their lives.  Michael and I came together... as partners in this life due to our shared dreams... dreams of country living, freedom, love, animals... going our own path and escaping the ratrace and our reliance on others.  Who are "others?"  .Others are those that control your life... big brother... government... jobs... financial institutions, grocers, etc.  We want to be  as self sufficient as possible.  This will involve lots and lots of elbow grease.... but... it will buy us FREEDOM.

This ratrace of never ending appointments, clothes, shopping, stuff, stuff, stuff, TV, celebrity gossip, and this pointless maze that ends with no prized cheese was killing our soul and felt like a fake world.  A world that seemed foreign for both of us.

This doesn't mean that we are not going to keep working... paying off our debts and having modern conveniences.  It just means that we want to spend the bulk of our time together, building a life that fulfills our connection to the natural world, family, friends and animals.

Finding security in our own resources will lessen our need for keeping up with The Joneses.  We will be able to live with little $$, while paying off our debts in peace and with joy, love and pride.

I know that I must raise my children in nature.  It was killing me that they were not having a regular connection to this world that I felt most comfortable in.  I want them to have country skills that will embolden them to live and find adventure.

I believe in him with all of my heart and he feels that he can finally live his true self.

I know my thoughts were scattered...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 1 of Land Ownership

It's day 1 and I don't even get to see the land that we are purchasing.  Michael and his buddy Bobby, have been up there clearing areas and locating a spot for our Tiny House.  We are building something... a tiny house, RV, Earthbag home, yurt, cabin, cottage... something small to "live" in while we build our real house.  The goal is to stay natural, stay alternative, stay green and above allllll STAY OFF THE GRID.  Funny, I should say Off the Grid.. because we don't have anything yet except for a Pond, Trees, little Prairie area, sort-of dirt roads and lots of big beautiful rocks (I have a feeling I will grow hatred for those rocks at times).  There is also a large selection of deadly animals... black bears, wild boar, rattlesnakes, water moccasins, cougars and bobcats.  But, that's okay, Michael is now equipped with two guns and we are getting some Catahoula dogs and small livestock as soon as possible.

I have lots to say... so much to say, but, I shall wait for the next blog to express my ideas on the power line that is just 200 feet away, and the neighbor that thinks shooting at new land owners is a good way to make friends and the crazy thought that we have tiny Chevy Sparks on treacherous dirt roads.  Oh... and my conversations with the Principal/Bus Driver/Athletic Director.

Next time.....